Hi, I'm Kyle Pertuis,
MindFit Coaching
Founder and Owner.

Kyle Pertuis, PCC
Chief Experience Officer
My Story
I founded MindFit Coaching based on my passion to support and assist people in creating positive and lasting change in their business & personal life. While we primarily work with Business Owners, Leaders, Executives and Entrepreneurs -- truly everything we do together goes deeper to affect these folks on a personal level. I know how important this is as a leader, because I've been there.
My background in business started out as young as 14 years old when I began writing business plans with my parents. Years later, that experience landed me in the world of Restaurants, where I honed my skills as an Entrepreneur and Multi-unit business owner. I grew my organization by investing in the people who were on my teams. I also invested in myself as a leader. I was profoundly impacted by some great coaches in my life -- both personally and professionally.
My Bio
As a former business owner and a seasoned Professional Executive Coach and Leadership Development Consultant with a 25-year track record, I plan and facilitate programs designed to optimize business growth, leadership development, and personal effectiveness. I support leaders achieving their full potential through strategic thinking, improved personal awareness, and by becoming more fully engaged in all aspects of their lives.
Susanna Clavello, PCC
Chief Learning Officer
My Story
I held several leadership positions in the past 34 years. In order to prove my worth and to be perceived as a high performer, there were many instances when I lived to work instead of working to live. For most of my adult life I put my children, spouse, clients, and staff first, and forgot that I was important too. I constantly felt like I was running on empty, was physically and emotionally exhausted, and still pushed myself to give more. This led me to suffer from insomnia, anxiety, and panic attacks. Through the coaching process I have found a new sense of purpose in life. I have regained my stability and self-confidence. Life is fun and adventurous again. My priorities and my heart are in the right place, and I’ve discovered my inner strength and wisdom.
My Bio
My passion is to help individuals, especially women leaders, who are experiencing a great deal of distress and overwhelm in their personal and/or professional lives make lasting changes, grow from adversity, build resilience, overcome inner barriers that are holding them back, and rebalance life. As a professional certified coach and Energy Leadership Master Practitioner accredited through the ICF, I design experiences to support public education, government, academia, nonprofits, and businesses in creating people-centered cultures that prioritize well-being.
How would you describe the program to someone that is looking to improve their awareness as a leader?
"You don't know what you are missing until you are made aware. Your energy awareness can save you unnecessary frustration and enable greater perspective."'
"A great program to help identify the way we may be operating and how that may be conveyed to others. To me it is closely related to emotional intelligence as well. This can be used to help identify your energy level, and then influence your behaviors and how you project that energy on the others around you. Provides an understanding of when certain energy levels may be useful in certain situations."
"This is about self-monitoring and self-knowledge. The energy levels color our non-verbals and impact others around us. Knowing how you present yourself is key to helping yourself with your responses and helping others around you with more effective leadership."
"That it is very enlightening and eye opening and that it helps you become more self aware on how you show up for your team and your family and what kind of energy or attitude you bring."
What aspects of the program did you benefit the most and why?
"Self awareness and power of choice. Taking the time to objectively see how I act under normal circumstances and under stress. And how others view my actions. Using this information - power of choice - to react or act in a positive manner. It drove home the point that I have the power to change how I am perceived - and to prepare for meetings in advance not only on knowing the topic but on "executive presence", body language."
"The breakdown of the elements of trust. Honestly, it helped me see some things from other perspectives."
"Understanding how to improve my self-awareness and not let it limit me in what I am capable of accomplishing; also sharing with others helps break down what I am typically afraid of sharing."